Fellowship of The Cross Church

About Us

"Fellowship of the Cross" Church
37 Bellefonte Ave.
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Phone: (570) 295-5774

Co-Pastors: Justin Hale & Damon Lance Goss

In Feb., 2009, God called and commissioned Justin and Damon to reconcile people to Himself... to call sinners to the CROSS, and lukewarm Christians back to the CROSS.  No, not some "wooden beams", but the Blood Sacrifice of Christ.  We believe that the Holy Bible declares man's problem to be a "sin nature", and that the only cure for this damnable disease is that  1) man repents of his sins, and  2) places his faith in Jesus Christ and His Blood Sacrifice on the CROSS.
Many who go to "church" each Sunday and claim to be "Christians" do not solely trust in Christ and His "finished Work" on the Cross, but rather believe that what they do (or avoid) earns them merit with God (their works), when in fact, God sees our righteousness as "filthy rags".  God has called Justin and Damon to be "voices crying out in the wilderness"....
"REPENT (of your sins and of the good which you think is earning you something) and BELIEVE THE GOSPEL (of 'Jesus Christ and Him Crucified')"
This is not a "popular" Gospel, but it is a liberating Gospel, one that brings the believer into "ABUNDANT LIFE".  Halellujah!!!!!.  Are you tired of being spiritually DRY??!  Then stop being concerned... about what your family, relatives, and "friends" think, and be more concerned about what GOD thinks!  For one day you shall stand before the Judge of the living and the dead (the Lord Jesus Christ)... alone, and all those people will not be by your side.  And if you have not repented, aand have not been trusting exclusively in His Sacrifice, He will not be pleased!
Note:  True, this is not for the faint of heart, but it is for the pure of heart!  It will take courage for you to stand out in a crowd and be a "JESUS fanatic", but, again... "AREN'T YOU TIRED OF BEING DRY???!
The Holy Spirit (those "Living Waters") flow only to those who do not trust in their own sacrifices (even partly), but only to those whose faith is exclusively in Christ and what He did on the CROSS to become a Sacrifice for our sins!  Jesus said, in John 7:37-38...
"If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink.  He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water."
And again, in Rev. 22:17...

"...whosoever will, let him take the Water of life freely."

Are you willing?  GOD was willing- to become a Man, be mocked, tortured, and then die the most gruesome death possible (when He didn't HAVE to), so that you could be set free from the penalty of your... sins, and the power of... "sin" (the sin nature).  Most of all... so that you and Him could be united in relationship.  He did this all because He LOVES you! 
We are not asking you to join our church.  We care about you and your eternal soul.  But you are free to join us and we would love to have you.  We CARE about YOU!!!       - Justin and Damon.